Career Success in the Hospitality Industry
- What jobs are available?
- What are the Top 10 Sectors of the Hospitality Industry?
- What soft skills are required?
- How to transition into the Hospitality Industry from a different Industry Sector?
- How to fill your skills gap? (Explained in detail below)
- Salaries in Hospitality
- What Professional Certifications are required and attainable?
- FAQ’s
Do you have a skills gap?
A skill gap occurs when the skills you have do not match up to the skills needed for a certain occupation. Many job-seekers who have skill gaps require training to achieve their objectives. In some cases, a skill gap can happen when the level of skill required is higher than your past experience. We can help you to fill those gaps and make you marketable & employable for your perfect career choice.
Please go over the chart below:
According to a report by StatCan, more than half (56.1 per cent) of Canadian businesses in 2021 said that their current workforce was not fully proficient to perform jobs at the required level. A majority of businesses reporting skills gaps were either large firms with more than 100 employees (93 per cent) or midsize with 20 to 99 employees (90 per cent). Three-fifths (60.3 per cent) of businesses said they were facing at least one negative consequence to their activities because of the skills gap in their workforce. While the regional disparities were minor, the distribution across different sectors has been uneven. For example, the accommodation and food services sector showed the highest rate of skills gap out of any other sector, with nearly four-fifths (78 per cent) of businesses struggling to hire.